26 Foot Mural at Chabot Space & Science Center
We were commissioned to illustrate all of the locations in the Universe where the different classes of meteorites have originated. A formidable task, to say the least.
The image tells the story within the context of the passage of cosmic time. As the objects make their way from left to right across the expanse of space to arrive at Earth, the Solar Nebula at center matures from acretion to condensed planets, moons and Asteroid belt; but one source of many meteorites.
This breathtaking panorama first came into being as a digitally painted image. Once our design was finalized, the full size traditional media image was painted again, faithfully reproducing our design and enhancing every detail, over a nine month period—this time in acrylic on a continuous sheet of canvas that scrolled across our custom adjustable hydraulic drafting table.
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